3 powerful ways to stop being horny

Here are some tips to stop being horny without masturbation.

We feel these sexual urges because of our biological impulse to increase our species and the fact is sex feels so damn good. 

However, sex and masturbation are not always a viable or appropriate solution whenever your sexual urges catch you off guard. So here are some quick tips to calm your urges.

1. Shower

The effect of a cold shower against horniness varies for each individual. Some people say it helps calm them down. Some say it doesn't work and a few believe that it’s actually counter-productive as standing wet, naked, and caressing yourself all over invites more of those urges in. 

2. Try exercising

Instead of intercourse, divert that energy by doing other forms of exercise. So the next time you feel horny, jump into your tracksuit and do twenty laps, hit the gym, or pour it all out on the punching bag. This helps you release that tension and distract your brain from your other urges. 

3. Kill the mood with anything counter-erotic

Sometimes you get horny because kinky thoughts run through your mind. Just like bad sex, you can put your urges at bay by doing stuff that usually kill the mood for you when you’re about to go at it. So, you can watch, read, or listen to comedy. Watching your favourite sitcom realigns your focus away from sex.

Do you need someone to talk to about your sexual lifestyle? Do you have questions about sex? Do you want your sex life to be better? Send your questions to hotpulse@pulse.ng

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